Middle School Public Speaking and Argumentation
he primary goal of the Public Speaking and Argumentation program is to empower students through public expression to become better thinkers, speakers, writers, listeners, and leaders. Students in this program will explore and develop their thinking and speaking skills through games and exercises involving public speaking (impromptu and prepared), as well as group problem-solving and discussion. Students will be exposed to and learn various formal styles of debate (e.g., Lincoln-Douglas, Public Forum, and Policy Debate) as well as other communication based activities. Students will learn to cope with speaking anxieties, to organize and support their ideas, to critically evaluate and respond appropriately to the ideas of others, and to deliver effective messages. While the format and content will not directly prepare students to participate in competitive debate or forensics, it may serve as a precursor to such participation.
This program is appropriate for students of all ages, but especially rising 6th-8th graders.
Sample Schedule
9:30am-10:30am, Lecture on Ethos, Pathos and Logos
10:30am-12pm, Research Tips and Practice Drills
12pm-1pm, Lunch
1pm-2pm, Topic Lecture on Nuclear Power
2pm-3:30pm, Topic Debates
Potential Curriculum
Intro to Public Speaking
Intro to Argumentation
Ethos, Pathos, Logos
How to Use PowerPoint
How to Research
Poetry/Dramatic Reading
Extemporaneous Speeches
Descriptive Speeches
Informative Speeches
Narrative Speeches
Informal Speeches:
Tongue Twisters
Pet Peeve Speeches
Hot Air Balloon Game
Informal Debates:
Table Debates
Stakeholder Debates (different groups)
One-Point Debates
Three-Point Debates
Formal Debates:
Public Forum
Group Projects:
Shark Tank
Stakeholder Debates (different groups)
Other Presentations:
Formal Presentations (with PowerPoint)
Mock College/Job Interviews
Classes will be hosted Monday to Friday from 9:00am-3:00pm ET.
Week 1 – June 9-13
Week 2 – June 16-20
Week 3 – June 23-27
**There is a non-refundable $75 application fee that is in addition to the price of tuition.**
Tuition for one week is $525
Tuition for two weeks is $975
Tuition for three weeks is $1,400
Tuition includes quality instruction and materials that are unique to the Hurricane Debate Institute. Each week covers unique and different information. Students will receive assessments of their skills and areas for improvement. Students will receive a certificate of completion.
Deposit & Full Payment Info Deadlines
A non-refundable $100/week deposit is due 2 weeks before the start of your child’s program.
Note: The deposit is in addition to the $75 application fee, but the deposit itself counts toward your tuition payment.
Full payment is due the Friday before your child’s program begins.
Week 1 (June 9-13) – Deposit due by May 26; Full Payment due June 6
Week 2 (June 16-20) – Deposit due by June 2; Full Payment due June 13
Week 3 (June 23-27) – Deposit due by June 9; Full Payment due June 20
Early Bird – by May 9
Those submitting the non-refundable $100/week deposit by May 9 will receive 5% off of the overall tuition per child.
Note: The deposit is in addition to the $75 application fee, but the deposit itself counts toward your tuition payment.
UM Employees: 10% discount on overall tuition for your child.
Siblings: A $50 sibling discount on tuition for each sibling per week.
**There is a non-refundable $75 application fee that is in addition to the price of tuition.**
There is a two step application process:
1. Click the “Apply Online” button below to fill out the application (Applications can also be emailed to hurricanedebate@gmail.com).
2. Click the “Pay Online” button below to pay the application fee.
**Registration is not complete until both the application and non-refundable $75 application fee have been received.**
Payment instructions:
Click the “Pay Online” button below or visit http://www.com.miami.edu/payment. When there click on “Access the SOC Marketplace”.
Select “Hurricane Debate Institute” from the categories enter the amount and finish the transaction.
Please remember to confirm payment. An email receipt will be sent as soon as the payment goes through.
All major credit cards accepted.